Ask HN: How to get sign ups for a newsletter?
By: dailydetour123I've got a lot out of reading HN, and would love to learn from this community's experience of how they got users/sign ups for a newsletter they've started/worked on. Any insights greatly appreciated!
By: robswc
10 hours agoIt sounds dumb/cliche but the answer is to simply make good content. Anything else would just be spam and then you're competing with other spammers.
By: dailydetour123
7 hours agoThanks, that's a good reminder to just focus on the value. Plus, I enjoy it too - so in the end I guess that's the only thing that matters.
By: chistev
10 hours agoJust post your stuff and interested people would subscribe.
I already have 18 subscribers on my small blog -
By: dailydetour123
7 hours agoYeah, I think need to get over thinking it's bad to self-promote and just go for it. I'll check out your blog!